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About Me

Hello Everyone, Just a little about me, Ed Halbach. For starters, I am 6’ 4 and am married and in my sixties. I also have a day job... This podcast is a hobby and will allow me to express myself though sarcasm, smart ass remarks and joined by awesome guests. Much like you I have lost loved ones mostly younger than I which, will lend to a different prospective on life and what I say.

Over the years I have been employed, a businessman and an employer, with life experiences from all the hats I have worn.

So, my topics will be varied and adventures interesting. The vocabulary and slang will be generational, but I am sure my younger than me audience will catch on.

Yes, I am a big talker and usually full of it! So don’t take me too seriously... LOL.

The plan is for an entertaining and thought-provoking podcast on Monday am each week. Thank you in advance and pass the word.

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